An analog life

Still partying like it's 1999


Give me whistling, hand-claps or la-la-las and I'm hooked.

The latest song I just can't get out of my head:

Young Folks

Guess what? They're Swedish (like We're From Barcelona). Maybe I should just move there. While we're on the subject of Swedish music, may I direct you to the original version of 'Heartbeats' by The Knife? The cover version by Jose Gonzalez (also Swedish! or partly, anyway) is pretty popular due to a Sony commercial but the original is definitely best.


The band consists of a brother and sister who tend only to be photographed in bizarre masks. The photo on their Wikipedia entry will make you fall in love. I can't stop listening to their song 'Pass This On'.

While I'm plugging music, I owe a long-overdue mention to Bed is Rude, the one-man band of a former soccer teammate. The only time I'd ever heard him sing he was screeching along to Axl Rose, so I was blown away by his gentle pop sensibility on 'A Certain Age' and 'Get Social'. Did I mention he sings and plays all the instruments? And has a full-time day job? Amazing.

Anyway, what are you listening to lately?


At 11:04 PM, Blogger Her Highnessness said...

You, my dear, need to listen to this: M recently played it for me on a drive and all I could think was, wow, La would love this CD.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Rob said...

I ran into Operator Please on gootube: I think they're pretty good considering how young they are.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apart from Asobi Seksu, who you really need to check out, I've also recently discovered Cassettes Won't Listen, Head Like a Kite and Smoosh. I think I'm late catching the boat on Smoosh, but they're like 13 and totally cool. I think all those sites have samples of their music, or you can search them on 3hive, which I also recommend as a great source of finding new stuff.

Also, The Knife is pretty cool. Love that song. Definitely better than the cover.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Yaay! Responses!

Chelsea and Matej, you are absolutely right, I LOVE Asobi Seksu, thanks for the introduction! :)

And it's funny you mention Smoosh, Matej, cos Jeff and I were talking about them last night after watching some Operator Please on Rob's suggestion. Smoosh are so cute - I want to adopt them.

I'll definitely check out the other bands too. Keep the suggestions coming, everyone! This is fun.

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

only thing better than the knife, is the knife remixed by ratatat.

and maybe slayer, seriously.
although your brit-pop weakened ears may like the stylings of menomena better.

and start counting the days til april 17th, for the new avril album, again seriously!

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said... havent heard the song d2 wrote about me?

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long Blondes

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Hey Ricky - yes, I have heard Albertian Soccer Star, and it rocks! Your soccer mojo has been forever immortalised in song ...


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