In which I get all sentimental, again
For weeks now I've been trying to clean out my room. But I keep getting drawn into reading old cards and letters I've gotten over the years from friends and family. They go a loooong way back, and they sure are funny. One highlight is a birthday card from an early crush, in which he threatens to beat the s*** out of me. Oh, how I analyzed that one, reading between the lines, clutching it to my chest, drowning in the romance of it all.
There are boxes of letters and cards, and I don't know when I'll ever have time to reread them all (er, well, other than now), but I can't bring myself to part with them. Two things are certain: a)my friends, past and present, totally rock my world, and b) if any of them have similar packrat tendencies there is DEFINITELY some incriminating stuff out there.
I wish I hadn't lost touch with so many people, but I'm pretty happy with the posse I still have. One consolation of moving far away from everyone: many more opportunities for mischief by mail!
Tomorrow we'll resume with our usual program of sarcasm and cynicism. Maybe. Gah, what has happened to me? When did I start losing the bitterness and becoming all squidgy and sentimental? It must be the approaching milestone birthday ...
Tee hee. Some of your friends *do* have similar stockpiling tendencies. Though my stash is in a briefcase, not a box (so I may not have quite as much ammo on account of lesser available volume). Consider yourself duly warned!
Good news! Today my boy got offered 2 jobs! Though both will probably require us to live apart for 6 months or so [sniff]. The upside: Living alone should leave me lots of time to write you letters. -T2
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