An analog life

Still partying like it's 1999


An inauspicious debut

Help! I have a blog!

Not having provided anyone with the address, I shall enjoy some peace and quiet around here for a few weeks while I get everything set up. If anyone does stumble upon this in the meantime (and I have to say, that'd be kind of creepy) we're off to Maui Saturday morning. I'll try to post some photos a few times during the trip. Won't that be exciting?

It seems that every blog title I feel clever to have thought of turns up repeatedly on a Google search. Ah, as always, one step behind. Ties in nicely to the analog theme, no?

Well, it's a start, anyway. Mele Kalikimaka, folks!


At 10:25 PM, Blogger Her Highnessness said...

Yay! It lives.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Thanks to you!


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